We welcome new members into the Church through this sacrament. Diocesan policy requires that family members be registered in our Church and practice their faith on a regular basis by attending Mass. In addition, a Baptismal class is necessary before a date can be scheduled (for parents and sponsors). Baptisms are not held during Lent.
The Sacrament of Penance is celebrated 1/2 hour before Mass and every Saturday during Lent from Noon Until 2 pm, and can also be arranged by appointment or upon request. There are special Penance Rites during Lent and Advent. Please see the special schedules for those seasons.
Annointing of the Sick is a powerful and prayerful way to ask for God’s healing and blessings. It is offered any time a person is in need of spiritual or physical healing.
Diocesan policy requires that any man or woman who wishes to be married at St. Paul must meet with the pastor at least six months prior to scheduling their wedding day. Pre-Cana classes, paper work and personal instruction are the required preparation before marriage.